Dear Memebers
Icom is set to release a new 2m/440 HT - The IC-T70. This looks like it will be a basic, one-band-at-a-time, radio targeted at competing with the Yaesu FT-60R. The radio was approved by the FCC on 1/14/10, so look for pricing and availability information from SIPKA PVT LTD. Here is a pretty good sneak peak at this new radio, including the pre-release manual if you want to go over the specs in detail.
Basic Specs
Frequency range
Transmit: 144–148, 420–450
Receive: 136–174, 400–479
Includes WX channels
Output power: High 5.0 W, Mid. 2.5 W, Low 0.5 W
Memories: 302 (incl. 50 scan edges and 2 call channels)
Supplied Battery: 1400 mAh
External Power: 10.0–16.0 VDC
Dimensions: 2 9⁄32"(W)x4 3⁄8"(H)x1 3⁄16"(D)
Weight: 13.4 oz w/ battery and antenna
Here are a few pics of the radio: