Sunday, May 05, 2024

Bringing Youth into Amateur Radio

Bringing Youth into Amateur Radio

James "Scott" Duckworth (NA4IT) on October 30, 2008

What do we have to offer?

After reading the ARRL article about the new Youth Editor Duncan MacLachlan, KU0DM, I realize if we plan to get youth into this hobby, we ourselves are going to have to expand our horizons. Duncan states he is “an APRS geek”, likes working DX, and works weak signal / sound card modes, including PSK31 and RTTY.

I have been reminded of a statement made at a church associational meeting that I attended. The speaker eluded to the fact that we could no longer give a kid a coloring book and crayons in Sunday School, because that same student had video games and computers at home. And, it made sense.

There have been a lot of advances in digital modes in amateur radio, but along with the advances have come resistance. Maybe, it's time we take a hard look at ham radio and see what we have to offer.

Duncan not only likes digital sound card modes, he also enjoys CW and voice. I know myself that part of the love of amateur radio for me is experimenting with something I haven't done before, new and old. And, I believe youth also like challenges. They like to use their minds, although we tend to paint them lazy and uncaring.

I personally know Emily Bishop, W4EMB. She has been feature in a lot of stories about youth and amateur radio, and has done a lot to try to promote amateur radio to youth. But, she is a modern youth, she enjoys just about everything amateur radio has to offer.

So, if we plan to attract youth to amateur radio, what do we have to offer? When a youth comes to your shack what does he see? There is nothing wrong with antique equipment. And, they don't have to see the latest and greatest. But, is there something in his realm to interest him or her?

To coin a phrase from a TV commercial, “What can I, do, for you? Or better, “What can amateur radio, do, for you?


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